As a child, Brook was influenced by his father David, a gifted artist, painter, Hawaiian historian, genealogist, and writer. The majority of Brook’s art portrays the deep love and admiration he has for his ancestors. John Parker’s wife, Rachael Keli‘ikipikanekaolohaka Ohiaku was a great-granddaughter of Kamehameha the Great and his wife Kanekapolei. Raised in Kahalu‘u, O’ahu, Brook’s family roots run deep in the islands being a direct descendant of John Palmer Parker, founder of the Parker Ranch on the Big Island of Hawaii. Kane was a member of the Most Noble Order of Kamehameha.īrook Kapukuniahi Parker is a recognized and well respected Native Hawaiian artist. For more information on Herb Kane and his artwork please go to Note: Mr. Kane for allowing Māmalahoa to feature this beautiful work of art on the Māmalahoa website. Here Kamehameha wears a cloak made entirely of yellow feathers an emblem of his supreme status as Mō‘ī (King) of Moku O Keawe. A chanting kahuna (priest), also of chiefly class, holds aloft a stalk of ki (ti leaf) as a signal that peace must be observed. A third guard sounds a blast on the pū (triton conch shell). The guard on the left holds a pōhaku newa (stone-head club) while the guard on the right holds a leiomanō (shark’s tooth weapon). At each end are young warrior ali‘i bearing the kāhili (feather standard of ali‘i). The highest ranking ali‘i wear the lei niho palaoa (carved whale tooth pendant on human hair), a prized symbol of ali‘i rank. The painting depicts a summit of ali‘i (chiefs) of Moku O Keawe magnificent in ‘ahu ‘ula (feathered cloaks and capes) and mahi‘ole (feathered helmets), battle apparel of the ali‘i. Na Ali‘i (A Gathering of Chiefs) is a stunning 15-by-7-foot mural painted by Hawai‘i’s foremost artist Herbert Kawainui Kane of Kailua, Kona, Moku O Keawe (Island of Hawai‘i). In 2016 the website was updated and converted to WordPress under Lani Ali‘i Ishibashi who continues to act as website admin. Under Ali‘i Ishibashi, the website was redesigned and relaunched in January, 2010 with the assistance of Julie and Christian Engelhardt of gumdesign.

Originally conceptualized and developed under the direction of Mamo Hawai‘i Pua Ishibashi, the Māmalahoa website was initially launched by the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo in February, 2008.